Thursday, April 18, 2024

A testimony about Giving God Praise while going Through.

This is not one of my normal blogs. This is more of a testimonial. 


See, over the past 8 months, my husband has been going through a few battles of his own.  ( I mentioned it in my last blog but I did not go into depth about it) 

On August 25, 2023, my husband and my oldest son was hit head on by a drunk driver. Praise God they both made it out alive, but my husband’s left leg was injured.  My son just had a few scrapes and bruises, but he is ok. 


So, I have watched my husband go through this season in his life. 

I saw him laying on a hospital bed with his leg bleeding bad, and I saw him being whisked away into emergency surgery. 


I saw him spend 50 days in the hospital, all the while thanking God and praising him for everything he was going through. 


Even now, as I write this, he is back home from the hospital recovering from an above knee amputation of his left leg. 

But in spite of everything, from the months of physical therapy, and the pain, the infection in his knee, even now to the amputation, I watch my husband be that man of God that I know he his, and who God has called him to be.  


His smile is contagious, because even when I watch him talk to people about what he been through he is not mad. He knows God has been with him every step of the way, and he smiles. 


He inspires me, because he never complains, and he gives God all the Glory. 


“I will bless the Lord at all times:his praise shall continually be in my mouth” Psalms34:1


I have learned the true meaning of this verse.  Because no matter what we go through, and no matter what is going on in our lives, we should bless the Lord.


See, in this situation my husband could have very well had his own pity party. He could have been sad, and just gave up.  But as his wife, I saw him praise God when he was in pain, and he couldn’t move. 


He Praised God though everything that came his way these past 8 months. God has shown me the meaning of praising him, and trusting him, and having faith in him. 


He did not become his situation. He prayed, gave it to God, and thanked him for just keeping him though it all.

As his wife, as my sons mother, I had to thank God for everything.  

I thank God that they both made it out alive. 

I thanked God that even though it ultimately had to to amputate my husband leg, my husband still is in his right mind.

I thank God for just keeping us through out this difficult time in our lives. And I even thank God when I felt all hope was lost and I did not know how we were going to get through this, God still showed us the way to go. 

I pray that this blog encourages someone to understand no matter what happens, praise God for what he has done for you in your situation in life, and thank him for bringing you through it.  


I am thankful to say that he is on the road to recovery, and he is doing wonderful. 


Just remember that God sees what you are going through. He knows what is going on in your life. He is going to all ways be by your side no matter what the situation is. Good, bad, or ugly God is always there. Give him all the praise and know he got you.


God bless. 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

New Meaning of my Wedding Vows.

May 17,2007 was my wedding day. And though parts of it were not a happy time, when I saw my husband standing at the alter waiting on me on that Thursday night, I was so happy. I was starting my life with this person that I dated for three years.


I was excited to start my journey as his wife, but I had no clue what I was getting my self into.


When I got married, I had this illusion of something I say in the movies. I thought it was going to be all fun and games. We were going to love each other, and we were going to have a happy life and we were not going to have to go through anything.  


But that is a different topic for another time. 

When we got married, we had to say our wedding vows in front of everyone in the church.  

Wedding vows - Wedding ceremony - Forum


We stood and we said those vows proudly. In front of every one that was there and God, we said those vows. 


But who take their wedding vows seriously? 


For me, August 2023 those vows took on a different meaning.  My husband was in a bad car accident. For months he was dependent on me to help him do everyday tasks because the bones in my husband’s wrist was shattered and he had to get it repaired and so was his knee.  He had to wear a contraption to keep his knee stable. 


Things I normally must do for my patients as a CNA I found myself doing for my husband.  


And it was not an easy task. To find yourself one day having an independent husband to having to care for him was not easy.   I found myself in tears at times, because I could see the frustration he was dealing with. 


I was back and forth from the hospital to take my children back and forth to school, to the hospital to help take care of my husband. 


But God showed me something all the while he was in the hospital.  He brought back to me rembrace our wedding vows.  


“For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness an in health.” 


This part stuck out the most because no one thinks the day of their wedding that years down the road their lives will change, and I would have to remember them.


For me it was a little over 16 years of marriage when God had to show me the true meaning of my wedding vows. 


Those words are not just words. To me, they have a meaning behind it. 


Simply put, you will have good days, you will have bad days. You will have everything you need at times, and there will be days when you just don’t know. But in spite of everything you may have to go through, there should be love, honor and you should cherish one another, through everything. 


See, I had to step up and help my husband in ways I never thought I had to.  (Sickness and health, better or worse). 


I had to be a different type of wife. I had to be his hands and his legs when he could not use them.  I had to pray over my strong man when he could not pray for himself.  


I had to be strong in the Lord when I wanted to just throw in the towel and give up. But God gave me the strength to uphold my vows. 


 When I wanted to give up, God showed me this is what I signed up for that Thursday night all those years ago. 


God bless. 

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Working for God with no Excuse

God has place something in our hands to do as Christians. It can be something big, or something small, but he has something for all his children to do.


I have heard for a long time “God does not call the equip, he equips the ones he calls”.


Now I am going to be honest, I have not read those exact words in the bible, but there were a few scriptures that showed God giving instructions, and men questioning him. 

In Exodus chapter 4 God was giving Moses’ instructions and he was questioning God.  


Exodus 4:10: “And Moses said unto the Lord, Oh my Lord, I am not eloquent, nether heretofore, or since thou has spoken unto thy servant; but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue”. 


I had to look up the word eloquent, and it said, “the fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.” 

See Moses did not think he was qualified to go and do what God told him to do, as we can see in the first few books of Exodus because he questions God more than one. 


Exodus 4:11-12 says “And the Lord said unto him, Who hath made man’s mouth? Or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? Have not I the Lord? No therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.” 


If God tells us something to do, we should never question “Lord me? I am not qualified.”


As a little girl, I remember my parents looking at a preacher with cerebral palsy. His name was David Ring.  His speech was different, and his walk was different, but I remember him standing in that pulpit preaching the word of God.  I went and watched one of his old videos about his life and he said that he thanked God how God made him. 


But the thing that got me was that he did not let his disability stop him from doing God’s work. He trusted God and he went to do what God placed in his life to do no matter what his circumstances was. 



Simple, the bible says it plain. We must trust in God.  (Proverbs 3:5) 


And I am going to be honest with you, that is hard sometimes. God tells us to go left, but we know that there is something that we don’t want to encounter if we go left, so we go right, and find out that the short cut was left. 


We must have an understand that we cannot make decisions on our own. That is why it says, “lean not unto thy own understanding”, but trust in God that he knows better than we do. 


We find or shall say we make every excuse when God calls us to do something, and we find out we have messed up our own blessings that God had for us because we decided to do things our own way. 


The best thing to do when God places a task in our hands is to pray and ask God to be with us and give us the strength to go on in his name and to carry out his will with no questions asked. 


Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”


We must stop to making excuses as to why we cannot do the work for God. It does not matter how we walk, or how we talk, or how we feel like we are not qualified to do. 


If God tells us to do something he is going to equip us with the words we need and the strength to do it.


God bless. 










Saturday, March 2, 2024

Trust in the Lord


Recently, a situation happened that left me at a loss for words. I was shocked when it was told to me, and I began to get sad. But as I was sitting in my car, I immediately went into prayer, because I knew that me being sad would not do a thing. I needed strength to get through what was going on.


As I went on about my day, I kept hearing the word “trust.”


Trust? Why was this word placed on my heart?


So, I went and looked up the meaning of trust. 

The meaning of trust is “firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.”


“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5&6)


Truly trust in the Lord it means that you have the firm belief In Gods ability to help us though out our lives and that Gods strength is way better than your own. 


It was important for me to get to the point of trusting God in the situation, because I could’ve very well start trying to figure things out on my own. And that this particular situation I had to put my trust in God because it was nothing that I could do.



We as Christians must learn that we are very weak when it comes to certain situations in our lives. And instead of trying to get an understanding of things on our own that we need to understand that God has the power to make every situation OK even when it seems like it’s not.


Sometimes we don’t understand why we go through things in life, and it can be to the point where we’re at a loss for words. But God is always there to show us the way to go. 


We need to stop worrying about things that we cannot control, and truly trust in God to handle it for us.

God Bless

Friday, February 23, 2024

Praising the Lord



"I will bless the Lord at all times: his praises shall continually be in my mouth" Psalms 34:1



Do we praise the Lord like we should? or do we just go about our day like he has not done anything for us?


David said it prefect in Psalms 34. He says "I will bless the Lord at all times."


That means no matter what you are going though, you should always praise the Lord.


We may find ourselves in a storm with nowhere to go, and we feel all alone. But if we just start praising God, we will see how we start feeling. 


God has done so much for us when we did not deserve it, we should always want to praise him and thank him for being there for us. 


We should not just praise God for what he did for us, but for who God is to you personally.


That is what I had to learn, who God was to me?


See, we don't always look at praising God for who he is. Sometimes we think we just need to praise God for what he had done in our lives and that's it. 


And there is nothing wrong with praising God for what he has done in your life, that is not what I am saying. But it is something about when you realize who God is in your life... That is a different kind of praise.


Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not, neither weary? There is not searching of his understanding. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have not might he increaseth strength.” Isaiah 40 28&29


God has shown all of us that he is God and the only one who will always be there for us. 


God is everything to us. He is the only one we can go to when we need someone to talk to. He is our protector though out the day. He is a healer when we don't feel good. He is a shoulder to cry on. the list goes on and on. He is our creator, and our savior. The main thing he is to us, he is God.


He is everything to us because he is everything. We must always praise God because he is everything that we need in our lives.

God bless.

Friday, February 16, 2024

What does Kindness Cost?


For those who do not know, I am a Sunday school teacher at my church. I teach the kids 6 to 10 years old. I love teaching kids this age because it’s fun and they are very smart children.


They love to learn new things about the bible and they ask so many questions.



 We have been discussing kindness in our Sunday school class and why it is so important to be kind to others. Not just others, but be kind to all kinds. 


As I was thinking on my Sunday school lessons a question came to mind. 


How much does it cost to be kind to others? 


This is a valid question because we see so much hate in the world. People don’t like each other because of their skin color, or they don’t associate with a certain person because of their background. 


Why is that?


Do they feel they have the right to mistreat people just because they are different?  Or do they feel like they are better than other people because of who they are?



Never in the bible do you see Jesus being rude or mean to anyone because of who they were.  He treated everyone with kindness and gentleness. 


One of the stories we talked about was “The woman at the Well” ( John 4).  If you have not read this story i encourage you to read it for yourself. 


In this story we see Jesus at Jacobs well. He sees this Samaritan woman and ask her for something to drink.  She responds “how is it that thou, a Jew, askest drink of me, which a woman of Samaria? For the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.” (John 4:9)


Notice that they both were from two different background, but Jesus did not see that.

Jesus took the time to talk to her. He did not care her background. He did not care that he was a Jew, and she was a Samaritan. He talked to her and witnessed to her.  He wanted her know about God so he took the time to talk to her. 


That is how we should be. We should take the time to be nice, and kind to everyone.


I work at a nursing home, and I met a woman who different from me in many ways. Our backgrounds are different because she is a different race than me.  She told me she was hesitant to talk to me at first, but we became friends.  One night we were talking, and she told me that she knew I was a Christian, but she was afraid to speak to me because others who professed to be Christians had been so mean to her because of her background. She told me that she thought I would be the same way. 


I looked at her and simply told her that I was not that kind of person. I do not treat people differently just because they are different from me.  I try to treat everyone the same.   


Now how much would it have cost the other people to be kind to this young lady?


It would not have cost a dime.  We should not have to put a price on being kind to someone. We should do it freely. 

You never seen anyone in the Bible being kind to others for a price. That is not how that works. 


Not only does it not cost us a thing to be kind to others, as you see in Ephesians 4:32 God requires us to be kind to others.  



It does not state in the bible that we should only be nice to people that pays us to be kind to them. No, it does not


It does not state in the Bible that we should only be kind to people who are the same race as us, or the same the hair color or eye color.  It does not say anything like that.


But it tells us to be kind to everyone!!!! It does not matter if they are different from you or not.  


Kindness is what God wants us to show to all his people, just like Jesus did.




Being kind is free for all and we should be kind to everyone. 


God bless.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Being doers and not just hearers.

 So, as I am sitting here at work, I had some down time and God placed on my heart James 1:22 which says “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”

Now I have heard that scripture plenty of times in my life, but I never really dwelled on it. 

Now before I go into my blog, if you have not read the book of James I suggest you read it.

Now God has been dealing with me on a lot of things lately. But it was interesting that this particular blog I started writing last year.


But why did he bring me back to this blog? 

I simply needed it at this moment. 

As a Christian there needs to be an understanding about God's word. He wants us to study his words and know his words so we can apply his words to our lives so we can out  lives for him.

How good is it that we read the manual on how to put something together, and we toss it aside and put it together like we want to? 


It's not going to come out right. Same thing with our lives. 

How can we hear God's word and know what it tells us to do, but we decide it’s better for us to do what we want? 

Oh the mess our lives would benefit in.  

Psalms 119:105 says “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

It’s a manual for lives. Gods word is our manual God wants us to use to live this life. It will show us the way we need to go to live a Godly life.

But if we disregard the word and live how we want to, we are just playing ourselves.

That’s why it says at the end of verse 22 that we would be “deceiving your own selves.”

We may feel like our lives is put together right, but if we don’t use the manual God had given us, it may look ok on the outside but in truth is we are broken and missing pieces on the end side.

A testimony about Giving God Praise while going Through.

This is not one of my normal blogs. This is more of a testimonial.    See, over the past 8 months, my husband has been going through a few b...