A testimony about Giving God Praise while going Through.
This is not one of my normal blogs. This is more of a testimonial.
See, over the past 8 months, my husband has been going through a few battles of his own. ( I mentioned it in my last blog but I did not go into depth about it)
On August 25, 2023, my husband and my oldest son was hit head on by a drunk driver. Praise God they both made it out alive, but my husband’s left leg was injured. My son just had a few scrapes and bruises, but he is ok.
So, I have watched my husband go through this season in his life.
I saw him laying on a hospital bed with his leg bleeding bad, and I saw him being whisked away into emergency surgery.
I saw him spend 50 days in the hospital, all the while thanking God and praising him for everything he was going through.
Even now, as I write this, he is back home from the hospital recovering from an above knee amputation of his left leg.
But in spite of everything, from the months of physical therapy, and the pain, the infection in his knee, even now to the amputation, I watch my husband be that man of God that I know he his, and who God has called him to be.
His smile is contagious, because even when I watch him talk to people about what he been through he is not mad. He knows God has been with him every step of the way, and he smiles.
He inspires me, because he never complains, and he gives God all the Glory.
“I will bless the Lord at all times:his praise shall continually be in my mouth” Psalms34:1
I have learned the true meaning of this verse. Because no matter what we go through, and no matter what is going on in our lives, we should bless the Lord.
See, in this situation my husband could have very well had his own pity party. He could have been sad, and just gave up. But as his wife, I saw him praise God when he was in pain, and he couldn’t move.
He Praised God though everything that came his way these past 8 months. God has shown me the meaning of praising him, and trusting him, and having faith in him.
He did not become his situation. He prayed, gave it to God, and thanked him for just keeping him though it all.
I thank God for just keeping us through out this difficult time in our lives. And I even thank God when I felt all hope was lost and I did not know how we were going to get through this, God still showed us the way to go.
I pray that this blog encourages someone to understand no matter what happens, praise God for what he has done for you in your situation in life, and thank him for bringing you through it.
I am thankful to say that he is on the road to recovery, and he is doing wonderful.
Just remember that God sees what you are going through. He knows what is going on in your life. He is going to all ways be by your side no matter what the situation is. Good, bad, or ugly God is always there. Give him all the praise and know he got you.
God bless.
*Please leave a comment of encouragement for everyone.
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