Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Be Encouraged

Joshua 1:9

“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”

As I sit to write this blog, I find it interesting how even while I am writing this blog to encourage someone else, I find myself being encouraged. 

See, sometimes as a Christian, I find myself feeling down. I felt like I cannot go on. I would even say I felt depressed. I felt like what I am doing is going nowhere. 

Sure, when people see me, I have a smile on my face. I go around happy and joking, but what you see on the outside, doesn't match what I was feeling on the inside. 

I will even go as far as say that I feeling alone sometimes. I read my Bible and I pray, I even have people in my life that I can talk to. But I still felt that sense of loneliness.  

It even seems like I am not worthy to do the things that God has placed in my hand to do. I feel like I am not qualified. 

Isaiah 41:10

“ Fear thou not: for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee;yea, I will help thee: yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”

But I had to realize that even though I may feel like I am alone in this walk with God, I am not. He is right there with me. 

That is what makes me truly smile on the inside and out. Know that God is with me always. Even when I am at my lowest point, he is right there with me. 

It's funny, as I  was looking up scriptures, I started reading Joshua 1:1-9. I pray that  you go read it for yourself. It showed how,  as God was telling Joshua the things he wanted him to do after the death of Moses, he was encouraging him the whole time.

He is doing the same thing for Christians today. We may feel like we are alone in this life, and it may be that we don't have anyone to talk to about how we feel, but God is always there with us, instructing us and encouraging us at the same time. 

He is right by our side. Encouraging us all the way to go on even when we don't want to. He gives us things that he wants us to do, even when we feel like we cannot do it, he is by our side leading and guiding us through this journey called life. 

Even on the days we cannot do anything but cry out to him, he is right there to wipe the tears from our eyes and let us know that no matter what, he is by our side, and we can keep pushing forward. 

I want you all to be encouraged. Know that God is always there with you no matter what you go though.  But as God is taking us through this journey, know that we are not alone, because God has already let us know that he is with us no matter where we are. 

God bless

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