Friday, April 10, 2020

New to blogging

Hi everyone. My name is Amanda and I am new to blogging. I decided to blog because I have a lot of things that I love to talk about.

I am a mom of three boys ages 11, 5, and 2. I love being a mom. I have a hard time keeping up with my boys, but I love being a mom to them. They have so much energy, and I am only one mom. They keep me on my toes and so many ways. Where I have one in school ( well home schooled for now until school starts back up) I have a five year old that I am trying to get ready for school. He is eager to learn and I love teaching him. Now that fifth grader of mine, lets just say is my best friend when it comes to me helping him with his math work.

I have been married to my husband for almost 13 years. We met almost 16 years ago, and we have been together since then. I love my husband he is also a minister. It is difficult being a wife of a minister, because sometimes people look at you like you are stuck up and snobby. I am not that person though. Although, I have met some ministers wife that act like they are above everyone that they come in contact with. I am a crazy ministers wife, because I love to have fun and spend time with people.

I decided to start this blog for another way of giving people inspiring messages as well as a laugh. As we all go through this staying at home together, I pray this is a way that you will be able to just sit back and enjoy reading.

Be blessed.

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